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As of April 20, 2020, this site is no longer active.
The new site for Cleveland TLM Friends is:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Friday and Saturday Reminder

Just a reminder that First Friday and First Saturday are this week.

As usual, following the First Saturday Low Mass at St. Stephen's, Fr. Bede will offer a seminar in the St. Stephen Club Room. This month's seminar will be a continuation of where he left off last month.

Also, remember Coffee and Doughnut Sunday is this week at St. Stephen's, following the 9:30am High Mass.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Requiem High Mass Pictures

The November 3rd Requiem High Mass at St. Stephen's was beautiful. 

Fidelium animae, per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace. Amen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Introibo Ad Altare Dei: Getting to Know the Extraordinary Form

A message from Matt Lewis and Immaculate Conception, Willoughby.

Come join us for a walk through the Traditional Latin (Tridentine) Mass, looking at the prayers, Latin responses, and liturgical movements, learn how to use a hand missal, familiarize yourself with the order of the mass, the liturgical calendar, and more!

Fridays, November 18, November 25, December 2, December 9 & December 16 @ 6:15pm in the John Paul II Room in the old school building behind Immaculate Conception Church in Willoughby (enter through the middle door #3 and descend the steps).
Class will be dismissed in time for the usual 7:30pm Friday night Low Mass.
For more information, contact the instructor, Matt Lewis at
or   440-942-2189.