Monday, April 30, 2018

Mass, St Joseph the Worker, May 1

In 1949, 6 years before establishing the Feast of St Joseph the worker, Pope Pius XII wrote:
It may be said in all truth that the Church, like Christ, goes through the centuries doing good to all. There would be today neither Socialism nor Communism if the rulers of the nations had not scorned the teachings and maternal warnings of the Church. On the bases of liberalism and laicism they wished to build other social edifices which, powerful and imposing as they seemed at first, all too soon revealed the weakness of their foundations, and today are crumbling one after another before our eyes, as everything must crumble that is not grounded on the one corner stone which is Christ Jesus.

Then, in 1955, the venerable pontiff set forth the Feast to counter the violent "May Day" demonstrations fashioned by communists, announcing instead the holy dignity of man in his labor. Pope Pius XII saw atheistic communists sabotaging the meaning of work. They decried it as demeaning to humans, crumbling that social edifice of society. This conflicts greatly with Catholic thought: work is a labor of love and union with the Divine Builder Himself. "Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."


7am Low Mass
St Stephen

6pm Low Mass
Immaculate Conception

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

From a Friend:

There will be a Choral Offering of hymns and chants by Cantualis of Cleveland at ST Stephens Catholic Church on Tuesday May 15th 2018 at 7:30pm
Cantualis is a new choir born of  a desire to offer musicians in the community an opportunity to learn 12th to 21st century liturgical music and to hone the skills necessary to present offerings such as Lessons and Carols, Tenebrae, Vespers, Compline and Masses. In doing so they provide a valuable service to the community while simultaneously enriching their faith and developing a passion for music of substance.

Monday, April 23, 2018

First Communion Video

This post is intended for the subscribers who did not receive in email the video from St Stephen's First Communion on Sunday. Some Friends reported that the email notification of the blog post included only text and a picture. As you receive this post in your inboxes, please click the link below to see the full post on Cleveland TLM Friends.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

First Holy Communion at St. Stephen

Congratulations to the young ladies who received Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time. A true milestone in their journey on this earth and a moment to cherish all their lives!

Being Enrolled in the Brown Scapular

Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Sacred Concert at Immaculate Conception

The professional quartet that sang the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart on Sunday will be offering a sacred concert at Immaculate Conception next Sunday afternoon (the 22nd) at 4pm, rounding out the Byrd Mass for 4 voices, heard at Mass last week, with sacred polyphony and devotional lute song by William Byrd, and a few of his contemporaries.

Free off-street parking; free admission (free-will offering).  We'd love to see you there.  (From Ron Andrico & Donna Stewart, duo Mignarda)

a sacred concert at Immaculate Conception: Sunday, 4/22 at 4pm
Lute song duo Mignarda
Byrd Songes

Sunday afternoon:
Byrd Songes

lute song duo Mignarda: Ron Andrico & Donna Stewart
will be joined by special guests
Malina Rauschenfels and José Gotera 
for this performance of sacred music 

from Elizabethan England, including
William Byrd's Mass for 4 voices

Sunday, April 22nd, 2018

Immaculate Conception Church
4129 Superior Avenue in Cleveland

free, off-street parking off East 43rd

a sponsored concert:
admission is free, but donations will be appreciated

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Feast of the Annunciation

St. Stephen's will offer a Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Annunciation, Monday, April 9, at 7pm. Please note the time, as the regular evening TLM's at St. Stephen are usually at 6:30pm. THIS MASS WILL BE AT 7PM.

William Byrd Mass for Four Voices, April 15

Fr. Ireland, pastor of Sacred Heart, wants you all to know about this event at the parish next Sunday, April 15th, 2018. The following week, on Sunday, April 22, there will also be an event at Immaculate Conception. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sacred Heart, Easter Sunday, Mass Notice

Fr. David Ireland, pastor of Sacred Heart in South Euclid, asked that it be posted that there will be no 5pm Mass at the Parish on Easter Sunday.