Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Feast of the Purification, Feb 2

Immaculate Conception, Cleveland, will have an 8am Low Mass for the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday Feb 2.

St. Stephen's will offer High Mass at 9:30am. Following Mass, fellowship will be offered in the club room. You are encouraged to bring a pastry or whatever you like.

The Feast of the Purification is also known as Candlemas, referring to the special use of candles during this Mass, as the Christ Child is a light to the revelation of the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). 

A great tradition is to bring candles from home to be blessed, at least 51% beeswax, which can be used for devotional practices at home. A few customs are to light them after dusk on All Saints Day, for the Sacrament of Unction, and during storms and other times of trouble. 

Before Mass, the priest will bless all the candles, and small candles will be distributed to the Faithful at the communion rail. Then a procession follows, through the church, with everyone holding a lighted candle, singing anthems. Mass begins, and the candles are again held lighted during the Gospel, and from the beginning of the Canon through the reception of Holy Communion. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Latin Mass for Protection of the Unborn, Jan 22

The U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared Tuesday, January 22, a National Day of Prayer and Penance for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.  There will be a special Latin Low Mass celebrated that day at Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland at 6:30 PM.

*UPDATE (1/21/2013)*
We failed to remind you that St. Stephen's also has the regularly scheduled Tuesday morning Mass at 7am. You can hear Holy Mass for the Protection of the Unborn in the morning if that fits your schedule better.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Resolution Ideas

A suggestion from a reader.
Hello, Here are some easy New Years Resolutions to make.
First, grab your new 2013 calendar and mark every 1st Friday and 1st Saturday of each month. Second read & print the following email so you are reminded of what you are supposed to be doing in this devotion (attach it to your calendar and reread it every new month. Third, forward this email to your friends/family and do these devotions together! Fourth, go online to read more about the important origins of these devotions and the promises attached to them!

What to do – in brief

First Friday – every First Friday of the month
With the intention, in the heart, of making reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the sins committed against Him.
    1. Go to Mass and receive communion in a state of grace

First Saturday - on 5 Consecutive First Saturdays of the Month:
With the intention, in the heart, of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the sins committed against her, her name, her initiatives and images of her.
  1. Go to Confession (8 days before or after)
  2. Go to Mass and Receive Communion in a state of grace
  3. Say a five-decade rosary
  4. Meditate on one or more of the mysteries of the rosary for 15 minutes

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January: The Holy Name of Jesus

A happy and blessed New Year to all.

Let us dedicate the month of January to The Holy Name of Jesus.

O God, Who didst appoint Thine only-begotten Son to be the Savior
of mankind and didst command His Name to be called Jesus;
mercifully grant that we may enjoy the vision of Him in Heaven,
Whose Holy Name we venerate on earth. Through the same
Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Blessed be the Most Holy Name of Jesus without end!