Monday, August 13, 2018

Saturday Latin Mass Pictures

As was posted before, Fr. Bede is now offering a Latin low Mass on the Saturdays of the month, EXCLUDING FIRST SATURDAY, at St. Elizabeth of Hungary church on Buckeye Road in Cleveland.

The Mass was celebrated at Mary's side altar. A good number of Faithful attended, and the newly ordained Canon Matthew Weaver assisted in choir, after which he celebrated his own private Mass. St. Elizabeth's is a beautiful church, as you can see in the pictures. It is a fitting environment for The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Masses for the Assumption

Feast of the Assumption
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018

7am Low Mass
Immaculate Conception

6:30pm Solemn Mass
St. Stephen
Immaculate Conception

Mass for the Vigil of the Assumption, Aug 14

Please note the date for this Mass: TUESDAY, AUG 14, 2018, the Vigil of the Assumption. Of course, the Feast of the Assumption is August 15.

The Church of the Assumption, located at 9183 Broadview Rd, Broadview Hts, Ohio, is celebrating the this vigil with a Traditional Latin High Mass at 7pm.

There is also the regular Tuesday Morning Mass at St. Stephen at 7am.