Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Re-Live the May Crowning!

Cleveland TLM Friends is proud to publish this video capturing the beauty of the day, May 4, 2019, when Our Lady was Crowned following the First Saturday TLM at St. Stephen.

For those who attended, we hope that this two-and-a-half minute memorial enhances the edification you gained that day, and that the lovely First Communicants will always treasure this day, when, clothed in the white garment of purity, they sought Our Lady, to bring her gifts; not only a Crown, but also themselves....ourselves.

For everyone else, we hope that it touches your heart and inspires you.

As the words of O Filii et Filiae say,

Of spices pure a precious store
in their pure hands these women bore,
to anoint the sacred Body o'er.

1 comment:

  1. AMDG Absolutely beautiful video! Thanks to you for putting it together so reverently!
