Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ascension Thursday Masses

While the day of obligation has been transferred to Sunday, we are still encouraged to observe the traditional celebration of Ascension Thursday on May 14  at least out of piety and devotion.


6:30 pm, St Stephen, Solemn Mass

6:30 pm, Immaculate Conception, High Mass

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled upon this site. This is so encouraging! We are from Stow, OH and just started going regularly out to St. Sebastian to their TLM after much soul searching regarding the efficacy of the Novus Ordo. We LOVE the TLM it is just what we need. I wish we lived in Cleveland so that we had more access to it, especially on holy days and daily masses. I'll check back here frequently. Thank you and Deo Gratias, :)
