Wednesday, July 31, 2019

August Guide to the Cleveland Latin Masses

August is upon us. Its a particularly interesting month from our perspective, liturgically speaking. There are some pretty big feast days, and some of our favorite saints are celebrated this month. And a challenge is issued at the very bottom of this post.

A Friend of the TLM from Twitter put together this nice calendar, showcasing the month and its schedule of Masses. Thanks, @Sebasti77107923 !

A couple of things to note, though, that are not on the schedule.

August 14, the Vigil of the Assumption
Solemn High Mass @ 7pm
Assumption parish, Broadview Heights

August 15, Feast of the Assumption
Solemn High Mass @ 6:30pm
St. Stephen

The Feast of the Transfiguration is Tuesday, August 6. Of course, St. Stephen has a TLM at 7am.

Among the Saints who are celebrated this month that we find particularly special (and we know that sounds bad; they all are special) are:

St. Laurence, 2nd Class
Vigil Aug 9
Feast Aug 10
(Incidentally, St. Laurence is a rarity. Not many Saints get a Vigil in their honor, and not many are a second class feast. Most are third class. Perhaps the Church particularly appreciated his humor.)

St. Joachim
Aug 16

St. Bernard
Aug 20

Immaculate Heart of Mary
Aug 22

St. Augustine
Aug 28

Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Aug 29

St. Rose of Lima (remember the Latin Masses over there?)
Aug 30

St. Raymond Nonnatus
Aug 31
(a saint for pro-lifers, for sure)

If you've got one to mention, comment below.

Up for a Challenge?

The Vigilant Vigil'er

Two opportunities exist this month to attend a Vigil and its corresponding Feast Day. Pick one, either St. Laurence or the Assumption, and go both days.


  1. Saint Philomena on August 11, and Saint John Eudes on August 19 (which is 4th apparition of Our Lady of Fatima)

  2. Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico (duo Mignarda) will be joining the schola at Immaculate Conception, 41st and Superior in Cleveland, to sing Mass for the Feast of the Assumption 6:00 August 15th.
