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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

All Saints and All Souls Days

On the heels of the feast of the King, we also will celebrate His Court. First, we will recall the Church Triumphant, those beholding the Holy Face in heaven. Indeed, they are the best friends of mankind, having direct access to the Blessed Trinity, relaying our prayers and helping us.

Then will we remember the Church Suffering, the souls destined for heaven, but in a state of purification in Purgatory. The Church always advocates for the Faithful to pray for the dead, and this special day set aside for that embodies some of the richest parts of our holy faith.

All Saints Day is, of course, a holy day of obligation. Although All Souls Day is not.....

It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.

Masses for All Saints Day and All Souls Day


  1. Just a minor correction after the fact-The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass at Saint Sebastian Church in Akron at 5:00 P.M. on All Saints Day was not a Low Mass, but was a Missa Cantata. - M. Calvaruso, Parishoner, Saint Sebastian Church, Akron.

  2. A post was made on Oct. 31 at 5:38am, noting that the calendar published by someone else, from which the above image was taken, incorrectly stated Low. Subscribers would have received that posting on Halloween morning, a full day in advance of the Mass time.
