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As of April 20, 2020, this site is no longer active.
The new site for Cleveland TLM Friends is:

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

First Weekend News, May Crowning, More Masses

Some news to unpack here.

1st Friday and Saturday

The first weekend of May is approaching, along with the opportunity to practice some liturgical devotions. Please consider attending Mass for First Friday and/or First Saturday. His Sacred Heart and Her Immaculate Heart will be warmed!


First Friday Masses5:30pm St. Paul (Akron; Mass every Friday @ 5:30pm)
6pm Immaculate Conception
6:30pm St. Stephen
8pm Mary Queen of Peace

First Saturday Masses8am Immaculate Conception
8am Sacred Heart of Jesus
9:30am St. Stephen

May Crowning at St. Stephen

Following the 9:30am Mass on Saturday, Our Lady will be Crowned. This would be a great day to bring children to Mass. 

May Crowning from Last Year, 2018


For anyone intending to go to St. Stephen this coming Sunday, 5/5/2019, please note well that Mass will begin at 9:15am, due to time constraints. 

Along with the ordinary Sunday schedule of TLMs, two particular parishes have First Sunday Traditional Masses.

Fr. Dave Ireland offers a High Mass at Sacred Heart at 5pm. 

Recently, Fr. James Mayer, pastor of St. Rocco, has brought the TLM back to his parish. Its a High Mass at 12pm, noon. 

Solemn Mass at St. Rocco, 2013

Please take the time and effort to start the month off right with these traditional devotions, and the beautiful, absolutely beautiful, and edifying Traditional Latin Mass. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

St. Joseph, May 1, High Mass

On Wednesday, May 1, the feast of St. Joseph, Benedictine High School will have a school Mass at St. Elizabeth of Hungary. The Mass is a High TLM, being celebrated at 10:30am. All are welcomed!

St. Elizabeth of Hungary
9016 Buckeye Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44104

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Moments from Holy Week 2019

The preparatory season of Lent, culminating in the exhaustive, yet thoroughly edifying and glorious week that we call Holy, the Sacred Triduum, being behind us, these are some moments captured. Let your Paschaltide be equally memorable.

The Gloria, Holy Thursday

Having fasted from the Gloria of the Mass through most of Lent, we are given a gesture of good things to come in the Mass of Maundy Thursday, so-called for the mandate Our Lord gave to the Apostles to imitate Him, as He washed their feet.  

The Mandatum, Holy Thursday

Pange Lingua, excerpt, Holy Thursday

In anticipation of Good Friday, a liturgical day that does not see to the Consecration of bread and wine, Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession to an altar of repose. 

Genitori Genitoque, Holy Thursday

Stripping of the Altar, Holy Thursday

As was said, no Mass with Consecration is offered this day. Rightly said, no Mass is offered on Good Friday. The altar, being stripped after Mass, quite simply reminds us that the altar represents Christ, and that He was stripped of His garments, having fallen into the hands of the Jews and exposed to vicious insults. See the Catholic Encyclopedia

Behold the Wood of the Cross, Good Friday

The Adoration of the Cross is essentially unchanged from the way it was celebrated as far back as the 4th century. Thanks be to God, a relic of the True Cross, along with other precious pieces of salvation history, were saved from destruction by the fire at Notre Dame

Adoration of the Cross, Good Friday

Consecration, Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil

Christ is Risen, indeed, and offered again, in an unbloody manner, to the Father. 

Ite Missa Est, Alleuia, Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Now on Twitter

Cleveland TLM Friends has joined the Twitter world. As most of our posts are rather short, to-the-point announcements of liturgical events, it may be a very good resource. We know many of you are not modern technologicaljunkies, so we will continue to post here on the blog. But we encourage you to do both!

Cleveland TLM Friends on Twitter

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Video Clips from the Office of Tenebrae

Below is a clip of Fr Bede chanting the first lesson from Jeremiah’s Lamentations, from the Office of Tenebrae, at St Stephen.

And here is the reading of the eighth lesson of the third nocturn, by John-Paul Volkenant Jr.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Holy Week, 2019

The schedule of TLM events for Holy Week is below.

Office of Tenebrae
Wednesday, April 17
St. Stephen

Maundy Thursday
April 18
6:30pm High Mass
Immaculate Conception

Good Friday
April 19
6pm Mass of the Presanctified
Immaculate Conception

Holy Saturday
April 20
11pm Easter Vigil Solemn Mass
Immaculate Conception

Easter Sunday's schedule of Masses is the same as any other Sunday of the year.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Good Friday at Mary Queen of Peace

Thanks to a Friend for sending this. Please take note that the parish would like for all those interested in attending to notify via text message.